In Electricity Data, Round Rock Uitilities

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The Energy Information Administration has posted some data that indicates…

…total energy consumption per household (U.S.) is trending DOWN.

The reason?  Energy efficiency in various appliances and building methods has improved markedly.

This decrease in total energy consumption per household is rather significant when you consider that…

…the average size of the home has increased!

The data comes from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS).  It says the average home used 90 million BTU’s in 2009. This continues the downward trend in average per-household energy consumption of the last 30 years.

With respect to money spent per year, per household…

…in TEXAS, the average annual household energy expenditure was just over the national average of $2,024.

For comparison purposes the highest average energy expenditure for a U.S household by state was in New Jersey with $3,065 being spent per year.

And though I wouldn’t have guessed it…

…the lowest average was in California, which came in at $1,423.

The difference in these expenditures is mainly due to the higher demand for heating in New Jersey.

Here is an image straight from the EIA website showing the numbers. 

(See below for the “Trending Chart” graphic)

[image size=”none” no_lightbox=”false” link=”” open_new_tab=”true” caption=”EIA Energy Use Households by State” fancy=”true” shadow=”true”][/image] [spacer] [hr] [spacer] [image size=”none” no_lightbox=”true” open_new_tab=”false” caption=”Less Energy Per Household Trend” fancy=”true” shadow=”true”][/image]
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